Our friend and Venezuelan source lives about 400km from the capital city of Venezuela (CARACAS).
“Greetings from these lands to all! (Venezuela). The least I want to do is to bother your daily activities, but it's important that you –those outside of Venezuela- know what is going on here. We already have endured a month with terrible power cuts here where I live; such cuts are between 8 and
12 hours each day and occur in two separate periods... Whenever there is electrical power, tension is below or above the electrical norms of what it should be and it has many unstable peaks. This has affected the water supply, which almost does not arrive; and the little that does get through does not seem to be completely potabilized.
Police, National Guard or any this public enforcement represses and oppresses common citizens, there are several cases that have been made public of murders, kidnappings and robberies, where the – believed to be- guilty ones, always affectionate and close to the Government, are not even judged, while the others persecute us for simply expressing our rejection in some public way.
The government knew that people would flee out of here and were not able conceal to the high numbers of people fleeing the country, so the public identification agencies and registries, have done even the unimaginable, by blocking the access of ordinary citizens to passports and identifications, as well as the process of apostilling –legalizing- foreign and local documents. I myself am still anchored here waiting for my children's passports. And I know they'll finally come out when my passport and my wife's are expired.
My country is transformed; dark streets, old and deteriorated cars, houses without paint, and where it was not common, no supply of light bulbs and appliances, air conditioning and refrigerators are damaged. Where people have been wearing the same clothes for years and it is already noticeable, especially because now they are much looser, I myself have lost about 6 or 7 kg in the last 4 months ... Fortunately that sacrifice keeps the children healthy and well fed, but this is the exception not the rule...
Again excuse me for bothering you with these things. You are always loved and remembered by me in these times. With affection and care....”
This message was sent to an international group of South-American friends, on a non- disclosed messenger application. Miguel Rodriguez, who is proud a member of Citizens Rights Watch, happens to be in that group.
April 30, 2019
*(DISCLAIMER: First published on CITIZENS VOICES, Vol. 13, May 2019.)*
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